well- been a while since my last update- i keep spacing out. not enough sleep with all the driving to and from Orange county since i'm using my g/f's car. should have a new car this weekend or repair my old car within 7 days, don't know which yet.
i'm sorry to all my friends on here whom i haven't posted with for a while. i want so badly to go to an SGLA event again, but i'm so tired and lacking of money, i can't take the drive from Redlands to hollywood and back
Loves everyone- don't be shy, post or chat with me, i always like to hear from my friends
i'm sorry to all my friends on here whom i haven't posted with for a while. i want so badly to go to an SGLA event again, but i'm so tired and lacking of money, i can't take the drive from Redlands to hollywood and back
Loves everyone- don't be shy, post or chat with me, i always like to hear from my friends
i'll add you just waiting for a response with substance....

Got any new baby pics to show us? Hope all is well.