its been a little while- sorry everyone. i'm still here and alive. its just been really stressfull. the baby is doing great, but the mother is acting like a total bitch. she is the only thing stressing me out, i'm actually handling the idea of fatherhood rather well.
btw- just saw Mary's new set- OMG i have fallen in love with her again.
New favorite drink: Jamerson's with a touch of baileys for flavor.
I will try to hang out sometime this week, maybe go to the burgondy room if people still go to that.
i miss everyone, sorry again for being so involved in life and ignoring my friends.
huggs and kisses to all - especially the ever cute mohawk
btw- just saw Mary's new set- OMG i have fallen in love with her again.
New favorite drink: Jamerson's with a touch of baileys for flavor.
I will try to hang out sometime this week, maybe go to the burgondy room if people still go to that.
i miss everyone, sorry again for being so involved in life and ignoring my friends.
huggs and kisses to all - especially the ever cute mohawk

No need to apologize for being a new father...but sorry about the mother.
Hope you get to have as much fun as you can imagine...and I bet you can imagine alot