This photo is incredible. It really is. Think about it for a second. A presidential candidate sitting down for lunch with a rapper from the dirty south. Unheard of. These guys sat for 5 hours together and spoke about any range of things I'm sure. Oh to be a fly on that wall. Over the last 6 months I've been following the candidate Bernie Sanders. He's rapidly gained momentum and popularity, esp among younger voters and people who have never voted. In the major media he's been all but not spoken of as a legitimate candidate for the Democratic Party. In my lifetime I've never fully felt like there was a candidate I could get behind so I tended to vote for the "lesser evil" as it's always so eloquently put. Bernie Sanders is that person. And while my cynicism on politics usually keeps me from fully believing any candidate, Bernie comes to the closest to doing so. If you feel like politics sucks and the system is flawed and only getting worse, I urge you to really take a look at Bernie's policies and stances on ALL of the issues. Check his track record against his statements. If you're an apathetic voter because you feel that they're all the same and nothing will change, I urge you to take a close look at this one. He may inspire you to do something you may never have been interested in or considered doing in voting. Spend an hour if you have it and really listen to what he has to say.