So I was dancing alot at the Yale tonight, my stepfather had a gig there so I tagged along. There was this older woman who kept kissing my cheek and touching my back. It was cute, she was to old for me of course so it was funny. Now I know what young girls feel like when old men hit on them. Anyhoo I have to say that for some reason I was thinking about naked girls in bathtubs. I don't know why I just think a soapy girl in a hot tub is super sexy.

Reef tanks are awesome, not as much effort as you think....I trancend fish nerd into fish freak
I am getting a great barrier reef back piece tattoo in January

haha.. i remember going to a club downtown with a friend of mine many years ago. we had just arrived and headed to our usual spot when two 45 year old-ish east indian men came up to us and started chatting us up. the guy who pulled me in one direction said, "name..?" and I told him some made up name, and then he says, "so, we fuck now?" and I couldn't help but laugh out loud and told him politely where to go. ahhh those crazy memories ,o)