Hello Wonderland here I am again.
Well, the thing is in my last blog I said I'd be posting things of my life and a new songs every day, though I realized that won't work because my life is such a bore I wouldn't have anything to right after the first song, so I i am going to list the songs I've been quite into lately and share the most signifficant stuff on my life right now.
To begin with I don't know how things will be in my relationship with my girlfriend, I really like her and I mean really, however, I feel like there is a fucking abyss between us. It makes me sad, because I can't stand this.
I found my half brother and sister on facebook this past week, they are "kids" from my dad's first marriage, and I haven't seen them since 1996 I guess, actuallly I never met her, only the boy, and he's married with children and stuff now, I sent him a message yesterday and I am quite excited waiting for his response. I guess it will be nice to keep in touch with them if they accept me.
We will have a holiday here in Brazil on November 15 and a girl friend of mine from university will come to visit me, she left university due to some issues like depression and stuff, and we were really good friends and I am really looking forward to seeing her, I really like her funny way of dealing with things.
Lastly, I think just now I realized that Alexisonfire is coming to play here in Brazil, since the past few days I've been quite excited about it, I am like I had used tons of cocaine, I can't stop listening to their songs and imagining myself on the concert and kicking and screaming and stuff, I guess I am like a virgin teenager who accidentally bumped into a boob or something.
Anyway, as of right now, I am having a delicious german beer while writing this blog and here is a pic of it. I am so cool I can drink a german beer in an english pint glass.

Now it's time for great songs.
{Just an observation, I am the kind of person who listens to the complete album, and not much into indivicual songs, I see the albums as a whole though I will post the ones that I like more on each album, though I never listen to them separatedly from the album}
In the last few months a couple a artists I like realeased new albuns, and there are others artists that I am actually always listening to so I will put them in here, starting for the new albums, by John Frusciante and Muse:
Now Muse:
In my next blog I will put the ones I am listening to a lot in the last months or so.
Hugs and kisses and bites in the ear.
Well, the thing is in my last blog I said I'd be posting things of my life and a new songs every day, though I realized that won't work because my life is such a bore I wouldn't have anything to right after the first song, so I i am going to list the songs I've been quite into lately and share the most signifficant stuff on my life right now.
To begin with I don't know how things will be in my relationship with my girlfriend, I really like her and I mean really, however, I feel like there is a fucking abyss between us. It makes me sad, because I can't stand this.
I found my half brother and sister on facebook this past week, they are "kids" from my dad's first marriage, and I haven't seen them since 1996 I guess, actuallly I never met her, only the boy, and he's married with children and stuff now, I sent him a message yesterday and I am quite excited waiting for his response. I guess it will be nice to keep in touch with them if they accept me.
We will have a holiday here in Brazil on November 15 and a girl friend of mine from university will come to visit me, she left university due to some issues like depression and stuff, and we were really good friends and I am really looking forward to seeing her, I really like her funny way of dealing with things.
Lastly, I think just now I realized that Alexisonfire is coming to play here in Brazil, since the past few days I've been quite excited about it, I am like I had used tons of cocaine, I can't stop listening to their songs and imagining myself on the concert and kicking and screaming and stuff, I guess I am like a virgin teenager who accidentally bumped into a boob or something.
Anyway, as of right now, I am having a delicious german beer while writing this blog and here is a pic of it. I am so cool I can drink a german beer in an english pint glass.

Now it's time for great songs.
{Just an observation, I am the kind of person who listens to the complete album, and not much into indivicual songs, I see the albums as a whole though I will post the ones that I like more on each album, though I never listen to them separatedly from the album}
In the last few months a couple a artists I like realeased new albuns, and there are others artists that I am actually always listening to so I will put them in here, starting for the new albums, by John Frusciante and Muse:
Now Muse:
In my next blog I will put the ones I am listening to a lot in the last months or so.
Hugs and kisses and bites in the ear.
Ooh, I hope things go well with the half siblings. And the girlfriend too... abysses suck.