Hey, today I remembered why I didn't go to college after high school... cuz I knew I would HATE IT!!!!! Alright, I'm being a bitch, but regardless, I had a pretty shitty first day. I don't know if anything happened, I just felt myself standing in large crowds of people and feeling totally alone. It was also bitterly witches-teat cold and I had to keep walking back and forth between buildings in an attempt to get my bearings (which were never obtained) meanwhile looking like a cross between south jersey prep snob and a yeti. I would prefer, in the cold, to travel in a plastic bubble, much like the one the pope uses. That way I can still sport my favorite swingin' summer fashions in the midst of a Russian winter. I don't even have anything or anyone worthwhile enough to insult from my college debut. I think I'll go drink... I suck.