Ugh... when does a person who's lived their entire life in fear finally wake up and realize this will all be over very soon?
If I was a fictional character, my eyes would have been opened by now.
Unless I'm the rigid old husband people root against because the free-wheeling young man that steals my wife is a lot more likeable.
I need to go on tour. I'm through with ordinary life.
I've been reading "Diary" by Chuck Palahniuk. I can't stop thinking about it. Very inspiring.
Afterthought: As for my apparent distaste for this site, I'll just say this: Why, when a bunch of intelligent, non-conformist types get together (SG), they have to prove to each other how much more intelligent and non-conformist they are than one another. Sometimes I want to reach through my computer screen and choke a bitch. Thank you.
AfterAfterthought: Somebody stole my fucking iPod in the town that my mom has spent at least 20 years in having never locked her door... well, maybe sometimes. Granted, I'm spoiled for having one and I was just saying today that things were going a little too well. However, on another note, the delivery boy fantasy finally came true as I was seduced by a cute older chic that, no lie, didn't have the money to pay for the food. Don't worry, it wasn't some weird pseudo-prostitutional-delivery-for-sex exchange. It just ruled. Anyway, shit.
If I was a fictional character, my eyes would have been opened by now.
Unless I'm the rigid old husband people root against because the free-wheeling young man that steals my wife is a lot more likeable.
I need to go on tour. I'm through with ordinary life.
I've been reading "Diary" by Chuck Palahniuk. I can't stop thinking about it. Very inspiring.
Afterthought: As for my apparent distaste for this site, I'll just say this: Why, when a bunch of intelligent, non-conformist types get together (SG), they have to prove to each other how much more intelligent and non-conformist they are than one another. Sometimes I want to reach through my computer screen and choke a bitch. Thank you.
AfterAfterthought: Somebody stole my fucking iPod in the town that my mom has spent at least 20 years in having never locked her door... well, maybe sometimes. Granted, I'm spoiled for having one and I was just saying today that things were going a little too well. However, on another note, the delivery boy fantasy finally came true as I was seduced by a cute older chic that, no lie, didn't have the money to pay for the food. Don't worry, it wasn't some weird pseudo-prostitutional-delivery-for-sex exchange. It just ruled. Anyway, shit.
Stoopes fucking town.
shit often looks weird on the monitor after scanning so change how you're viewing it. sometimes you can't fit it all on the screen.
i don't know how you're manipulating stuff with your image program, but everything i know i learned from 'the everything cartooning book'.
and thanks for the props.
all that other philosophical tripe really got on my nerves.