I like music. Suggest something. I'm at your mercy.
Long couple weeks. Stressed and stressed again. Working on having a more positive outlook, but I find it difficult. People seem to make it look so easy.
Bah. I'm stoned and it's nice and that's good enough for the moment. Gonna enjoy some Torchwood and mentally undress Gwen Cooper. Good times.
Bah. I'm stoned and it's nice and that's good enough for the moment. Gonna enjoy some Torchwood and mentally undress Gwen Cooper. Good times.
Photos from my phone
Blogging. I have often wondered why people even bother with it. But I'm probably just bein' a asshole as far as that goes.
I haven't properly expressed my feelings in a LONG time. The days where you had that great friend you could tell everything to is far behind me now.
So, if you're a grammar nazi, yes, I'm aware of the errors, but I...
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I haven't properly expressed my feelings in a LONG time. The days where you had that great friend you could tell everything to is far behind me now.
So, if you're a grammar nazi, yes, I'm aware of the errors, but I...
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Rydell's new set is amazing.
Fuck you bank. Fuck you surgeon. You make a deal. You follow it. Douchebags.
I picked a good time to work these doubles.
I picked a good time to work these doubles.
I've never been big with the blogging. I'm sure three sentence blogs aren't very exciting. All I can tell you about today was that I'm still making dishwashers for America. Or at least the America that buys GE.
Also, the moon was beautiful tonight.
Also, the moon was beautiful tonight.
Just watched The Girl WIth the Dragon Tattoo. It was pretty much as good as I'd hoped after all the hype. Now to sleep.
I'm startinig to suspect I'm a boring person. This is based on the endless sentences I type in chat that are ignored. Maybe I'm just creepy. I underestimate my creep factor. Maybe if I posted something "relatable" but that shit is all boring. Work and blah blah blah. That's all I got. Except old poetry... and that would be pretty lame.
Good advice. As long as I'm entertaining myself I'm usually good to go.
well i liked the one liner comment you posted on my blog x
Not much to report on. Life is dull as usual, but I feel a change in the air and I like it.