At my cosplays!!
Hello bbs! I am so excited to announce that I will be working the Suicide Girls booth at San Diego Comic Con this year along with a butt ton of other beautiful babes!! If you’re there, be sure to stop by and say hi!! I want to get to know usernames to faces! Lol!
This will be my second year attending, I worked with SG at SDCC back in 2016, and recently at Wondercon this past March! I love working this booth! Getting to school all the new lovelies on this wonderful community that has been a favorite of mine since I was 18 (really 16 but I wasn’t allowed ya dig? Lol) I couldn’t be more excited to be around ladies who are as into the trade as I am if not more and can teach me the ways lol.
Anywho! This year in my cosplay arsenal:
Ed “Big Daddy” Roth’s Rat Fink, Umbreon, and Miguel Rivera from Coco 🖤🖤
Miguel is done with the exception of his guitar (BTW does someone in San Diego have an acoustic guitar I can borrow for like five hours? Idk if I can fit one with me on the plane x___x ) ❤️💙
And I ordered all of the items for Umbreon yesterday 💛🖤
I will post more pics of the progress as I go along this week. I legit have like 6 days left to work so wish me luck!!