Hey guys and dolls! LOADS of new news on the horizon.... let me straighten it all out for ya!
→» First thing's first: THANK YOU so much to everyone who has left a comment (particularly a personalized one) on my rejected set, "chromatic". The response has been overwhelming, and I've never had so many friend requests at once (and if I added you and you didn't leave even an "I Loved It!" on my set, you should go do that now, because I know there are a lot of you!
) Let's just say I have a good feeling about this.... And, um, Brooklyn is the real genius behind this operation.... who else can make my butt look like this? Answer: nobody! Expect more collabs in the near future, I think.... 

→» More goodness: Here's a shot from my performance Monday at the Knitting Factory, doing some glammy-glam burlesque.
I lucked out in terms of time slots, because I danced right after the band that was having the album release party (even though their fans didn't really know what to do--they seemed confused!)

Many thanks to Ms_Strange who got me the gig and was a fancy-pants model in a sassy caution tape tutu, vegemite who came all the way down from CT just for the show, and Nadz_of_Steel who came out too.
I also got to see my lovertits Mle and finally meet Poison, which was very rad as well (even though they couldn't stay to see me shake my baby-maker). There's a bunch more shots from the show here on my myspace of doom.
→» Even MORE on the subject of my ta-tas: the new girly-web-magazine UNLIMITED (by the ever fabulous Mark Lacy) is on sale now! It features several spreads from our shoot in the fall, as well as a centerfold from my first shoot with red hair. Here's a sneak preview for you to entice your dirty little fingers into your wallet to support a, extremely talented man:

→» If you haven't done so yet, you should do yourself a favor and go check out the article on Les Savy Fav that my girl Hunter wrote. I am responsible for the video meleé and the illustrations for the article..... this one is my favorite:

....but I also love this one (which was cut from the article because the part it was calling out was cut too):

It was a fucking crazy New Year's, but also one of my most fun to date! The guys in the band are a real trip, they made the night worth it. If you leave a comment, mention of the illustrations would be loverly, as I'm hoping some sort of response might allow SG to pay me for my artistic contributions in the future.
→» My roomie Scarlett and I (pictured here);

....adopted two very tiny:

....very fucking cute:

....baby ratties!

The tan rat's name is Ojitos ("sexy face") and the grey rat's name is Caballucos del Diablo (horses of the Devil). We call them Oji and Caba for short.
Caba's definitely the leader/adventurer, but Oji is the pretty one. Haha. 
→» School is killing me. My hands are starting to really slay me again.....
→» I got three belated Christmas presents yesterday.... *nerds out*:

(that last one is a cell phone antenna booster, because I get SHIT service in my own damn apartment!) Thanks, parents. What upppppppppp thank you notes.
I guess that's about all the news from here..... it's raining and sucky in New York right now, and I woke up at 3 pm all groggy and confused. But.... overall, despite being broke and completely unproductive today, I feel pretty happy.
....What's the last thing you declared you loved?
→» First thing's first: THANK YOU so much to everyone who has left a comment (particularly a personalized one) on my rejected set, "chromatic". The response has been overwhelming, and I've never had so many friend requests at once (and if I added you and you didn't leave even an "I Loved It!" on my set, you should go do that now, because I know there are a lot of you!

→» More goodness: Here's a shot from my performance Monday at the Knitting Factory, doing some glammy-glam burlesque.

Many thanks to Ms_Strange who got me the gig and was a fancy-pants model in a sassy caution tape tutu, vegemite who came all the way down from CT just for the show, and Nadz_of_Steel who came out too.

→» Even MORE on the subject of my ta-tas: the new girly-web-magazine UNLIMITED (by the ever fabulous Mark Lacy) is on sale now! It features several spreads from our shoot in the fall, as well as a centerfold from my first shoot with red hair. Here's a sneak preview for you to entice your dirty little fingers into your wallet to support a, extremely talented man:

→» If you haven't done so yet, you should do yourself a favor and go check out the article on Les Savy Fav that my girl Hunter wrote. I am responsible for the video meleé and the illustrations for the article..... this one is my favorite:

....but I also love this one (which was cut from the article because the part it was calling out was cut too):

It was a fucking crazy New Year's, but also one of my most fun to date! The guys in the band are a real trip, they made the night worth it. If you leave a comment, mention of the illustrations would be loverly, as I'm hoping some sort of response might allow SG to pay me for my artistic contributions in the future.

→» My roomie Scarlett and I (pictured here);

....adopted two very tiny:

....very fucking cute:

....baby ratties!

The tan rat's name is Ojitos ("sexy face") and the grey rat's name is Caballucos del Diablo (horses of the Devil). We call them Oji and Caba for short.

→» School is killing me. My hands are starting to really slay me again.....

→» I got three belated Christmas presents yesterday.... *nerds out*:

(that last one is a cell phone antenna booster, because I get SHIT service in my own damn apartment!) Thanks, parents. What upppppppppp thank you notes.

I guess that's about all the news from here..... it's raining and sucky in New York right now, and I woke up at 3 pm all groggy and confused. But.... overall, despite being broke and completely unproductive today, I feel pretty happy.

....What's the last thing you declared you loved?
i hope they put it up, its really nice photographically and YOU are as cute as hell