And now, without further ado, I present to you..... CALAMITY: chromatic.
Just a preview of what I *hope* your love and comments will get to go live on SG.....

Thanks for all of your sympathetic comments on my past rejected sets. I feel like I have completely run the gamut in terms of my own creativity and sets which I think SG and the community might like, and Brooklyn and I did our absolute best on this set. I can't keep putting my time and energy into sets for SG if they won't buy them when I have so much other work to do with school and such, and it's been so long since I had one accepted (August of 2006)..... this will definitely be the last one I shoot for a while.
Those of you who know me know my feelings about SCS..... and that this decision was a really, really, hard one for me to make. But I hope you can all help myself and Brooklyn to let SG know that rejecting a colorful, fun, cute set where you really get to know the (more mature!) lady is a cryin' shame!
Any comments and love you leave are sincerely, sincerely appreciated. Thank you, gentlemen and gentleladies.

♥ calamidisappointed.
Just a preview of what I *hope* your love and comments will get to go live on SG.....

Thanks for all of your sympathetic comments on my past rejected sets. I feel like I have completely run the gamut in terms of my own creativity and sets which I think SG and the community might like, and Brooklyn and I did our absolute best on this set. I can't keep putting my time and energy into sets for SG if they won't buy them when I have so much other work to do with school and such, and it's been so long since I had one accepted (August of 2006)..... this will definitely be the last one I shoot for a while.
Those of you who know me know my feelings about SCS..... and that this decision was a really, really, hard one for me to make. But I hope you can all help myself and Brooklyn to let SG know that rejecting a colorful, fun, cute set where you really get to know the (more mature!) lady is a cryin' shame!
Any comments and love you leave are sincerely, sincerely appreciated. Thank you, gentlemen and gentleladies.

♥ calamidisappointed.
The set wasn't done in a convention.
We truly traveled to those places, and every place we went, I got my make up ready and IvyLlamas
mounted the flash and that stuff.
It's 100% real haha. In fact, you can see how I gained a bit of weight during the trip, and how in "italy" my hair was a bit less blue. I redyed it in Zurich