Burlesque performance in NYC tomorrow! 
Hey all you cats and kittens! Just wanted to let you know that tomorrow night I will be performing with Annette Betty and the incredible Storm at the Knitting Factory as part of Mesmer's album release party! It should be onehelluvatime, I hope you can all come out!
Oh, and if some fancy-pants techhy person can videotape my performance and give me a copy, I'll return the favor by giving you a signed glossy 8x10" photo of your choice (from my MySpace folders, conveniently located here!) Plus, you'd be like, my favorite person ever.
Don't be shy, come out and say hello!
Here are the event details!

(Here's a link to the big flyer, so it's a bit easier to read....)

Hey all you cats and kittens! Just wanted to let you know that tomorrow night I will be performing with Annette Betty and the incredible Storm at the Knitting Factory as part of Mesmer's album release party! It should be onehelluvatime, I hope you can all come out!
Oh, and if some fancy-pants techhy person can videotape my performance and give me a copy, I'll return the favor by giving you a signed glossy 8x10" photo of your choice (from my MySpace folders, conveniently located here!) Plus, you'd be like, my favorite person ever.
Don't be shy, come out and say hello!

(Here's a link to the big flyer, so it's a bit easier to read....)
i like the poster.
I'm a workaholic these days.