»First thing's first: Happy Hellidays, ya little baaaaastards.

Photo by mister ymonster, make-up, hair, retouching by me.
Two more images of our holiday shibari fun under the spoiler:
»I finally fucking finished this semester.
....And here are my grades!
I'm pretty happy with them, all things considered. None of my senior project (aka, thesis) teachers were even AT my final critique, which blew donkey balls (long story, let's just say, I ain't Helvetica, and never will be). The worst part was that last Thursday when I had my crit it was hailing and sleeting outside all day, when I was forced to transport artwork back and forth a between my school and my apartment, thereby getting EVERYTHING wet and being miserable trying to maneuver an umbrella, a granny cart, a huge bag of stuff and several rolls of paper, all while running on no sleep. It sucked. I'm glad it's fucking over. This semester can suck a dick.
I made myself a delicious omlette Friday after Survey craziness was done, and took some cute pics, but I forgot to get them off my camera....
»XXX-mas is the time....
....To tell the people you love how much you love them:
This little lady makes my life complete. I love her to reeces pieces.
Danielle, Me, and Scar-ling. It was the first time since i've had red hair that I've been with both a blonde and a brunette.... Something for everyone, eh?
This pic reminds me..... I hate it when people point out that my jacket is the same color as my hair. It was unintentional! I don't have any goddamn money, or I'd buy a black coat. I just want to make little badges or something that say "congratulations, you're not colorblind!" when people point out to me that I have red hair. No shit, Sherlock.
»Speaking of the Big Red
Mark Lacy calls me big red, he's the absolute cutest. But anyway, the last time we were in the middle of dying my hair red (at the start of December), I had a revelation:
(Mr. HeatMiser from The Year Without A Santa Claus)
Here's a smattering of the recent modelling I've done, too....
Photos by Carlo D.J., Mark Lacy, Insuh Yoon, and Emmanuel Faure.
»Speaking of Modelling.
"Hey, Calamity, you do a lot of modelling, when will we see another SG set from you?"
I wish I could tell you, kids. SG has rejected two of my sets, back to back (in the past week or so). Here's a preview of what you WOULD have seen. Sigh.
Mac vS. PC - Reeeeeeejected. By Steve Prue....
Sweet Dreams - Reeeeeeejected. By Insuh Yoon....
I ran the gamut on these--from heavy theme and rockin' out, to a fun bed set where I had lots of expressions but soft, porny lighting. I think I'm just not what SG is looking for, or something. I don't "believe in" SCS, so take heed, kids. This is the most you'll see of these sets. It's disappointing; we all worked really hard on them.
» In other life news....
I am now a foster with the New York Shiba Rescue! Here's a pic of Popeye, my first foster pup:
He's a great pooch, and available for adoption if you are interested. I hope he finds a great forever home. I am liking the foster situation, but I think I will be sad when he leaves for good.
My roomate Michelle is also moving out at the end of December. This makes me a sad panda, as I really have grown to like the lady. Sigh. She'll be sorta close by, so I think we'll still hang out, but she's been a good roomie and I'll miss that. It's hard to come by in NYC.... or anywhere, really.
I travelled back to NH yesterday at the same time everyone else on the eastern coast decided to leave. Blah. Travel sucks alone. I won't bore you with details, but it was boring and slow and then I slept a whole bunch, that about sums it up. There's like 3 feet of snow here, craziness!
Now let's all get hammered on some eggnog and deal with our families. Huzzah!
To what do I owe the pleasure of your friendship?
I don't have pancakes if that's what you're hoping for... I do, however, know how to purchase pancakes, but that doesn't seem nearly as epic.
eff 'em if they didn't like 'em enough. my effing opinion is effing enough!
#2i love the rad red hair. i have a yellow coat. when i had uber blonde hair, i got the same fucking stupid comments. stupid 'tardos
#3 this is like 3 comments in one. like it or I'll get saucy on your ass