thank you vagina, for coming out of hiding (hiding? pfft....) to write that last, witty journal entry for me. i think the people appreciated it. haha. now get back in my pants so that i can type my own damn lower-case entry.
things i suddenly want: (or not so suddenly....)
things i suddenly want: (or not so suddenly....)
- my mattress and air conditioner to come in the mail.
- a new hair cut. (i have no idea where to go in NYC though, and no idea what i want. poo.)
- time to paint.
- my max tattoo.
- my body to reach homeostasis.
- to have another birthday. cough.
- to find away to get to the NIN show tomorrow night that won't take 800 years.
- to sell some art.
- to put my room in order. that requires the air conditioner, though, before i can put any time and effort into this bajillion degree room....
- to see vixen again!
- to be naked on SG again.
- a cute romantic girlie to sweep me off my feet. *les sigh* (hey, a girl can dream!)
- to go shopping with miss vegemite for outfits to wear to TES fest!
</end transmission.>
♥calamilistsareawesome. are pillowfights with miss Brooklyn. i can't remember if i ever posted this/these. photograph by the amazingly talented Marcos Rivera.

i love your face in that picture