friday the thirteenth was eventful...
Friday thirteen, x by cakemix, on Flickr
got tattooed and cleaned out my desk at work.
plus a couple letters from courts.
fun. fun. fun.
at least ended the night wandering soho...started off in the grouch club and the stylish noel fielding was there. i always forget how much i like that man until i bump into him again. he's got great posture and awesome shoes.
then yesterday was even crapper.
the boytoy wanted to come round and talk about our relationship - remember, the one that we don't have even though we are supposed to be exclusive? yea, that one. he messaged instead.
what a fucking waste of nail polish that was.
but at least my fingers and toes look good for my bellydance workshop this afternoon!

Friday thirteen, x by cakemix, on Flickr
got tattooed and cleaned out my desk at work.
plus a couple letters from courts.
fun. fun. fun.
at least ended the night wandering soho...started off in the grouch club and the stylish noel fielding was there. i always forget how much i like that man until i bump into him again. he's got great posture and awesome shoes.
then yesterday was even crapper.
the boytoy wanted to come round and talk about our relationship - remember, the one that we don't have even though we are supposed to be exclusive? yea, that one. he messaged instead.
what a fucking waste of nail polish that was.
but at least my fingers and toes look good for my bellydance workshop this afternoon!
Time for you to contol the next weekend... Mess that shit up...
next weekend is our last weekend before the olympics hits town...we will definitely be going for it!