i'm so far surviving my first weekend without sex in MOTHERFFUCKING YEARS.
but i am not liking it.
interesting, when i had the boyfriend that was facing min. 3 years jail time, it did not phase me that i might be on my own for that long...but without someone to wait for, my sexual prime has gone into overtime.
so i've started looking around to find out who is going to be in town for masters of dirt this weekend...
because i really really wanna get dirty!

but i am not liking it.
interesting, when i had the boyfriend that was facing min. 3 years jail time, it did not phase me that i might be on my own for that long...but without someone to wait for, my sexual prime has gone into overtime.
so i've started looking around to find out who is going to be in town for masters of dirt this weekend...
because i really really wanna get dirty!

no one seems to be in town for m.o.d...