so its 1:15 am and its valentines day and my blondeboy is drunk on the sofa...
why do boys smell so bad?
really. i'm such a lesbo...
so anyway i am awake.
fell asleep earlier watching being human, but wide awake now.
which sucks ass as tomoro is a school day then heading to the pub for valentines day.
we're just heading to the sguk local, maybe have a meal at garlic & shots but really nothing special at all.
i did make an awesome present though!
crocheted guts.
will post a photo tomoro after i've given the gift....
why do boys smell so bad?
really. i'm such a lesbo...
so anyway i am awake.
fell asleep earlier watching being human, but wide awake now.
which sucks ass as tomoro is a school day then heading to the pub for valentines day.
we're just heading to the sguk local, maybe have a meal at garlic & shots but really nothing special at all.
i did make an awesome present though!
crocheted guts.
will post a photo tomoro after i've given the gift....