I replanted my garden; basil, orange mint, sweet peas, elephant ears, creeping rosemary, bee balm, patchouli and pennyroyal. It is looking gorgeous again, maybe even better than before. One of my corn plants managed to survive and has grown about a foot! My favorite plant right now is the sweet pea I'm weaving into the front fence.
Recently I began drinking coffee again, a vice I warded off years ago. Caffeine and I have never really been great friends, coffee gives me anxiety and soda makes me fucking sick. But recently I kinda started experimenting with espresso drinks and to my surprise I've been getting a really great unanxious bust of energy that is perfect for work. But here I am on a Sunday, not at work, not really tired, craving coffee?
I am swamped with homework. I have three essays to write today and all I've come up with so far is about half a page of unorganized thoughts, due monday by 10 am. Midterms begin next week but I can't remember learning anything yet this semester. I can already tell it's going to be a long week.
My lost roll of film has been found and is being developed as we speak. I finally found somewhere to develop professional film in the city. I'll post them soon.
Recently I began drinking coffee again, a vice I warded off years ago. Caffeine and I have never really been great friends, coffee gives me anxiety and soda makes me fucking sick. But recently I kinda started experimenting with espresso drinks and to my surprise I've been getting a really great unanxious bust of energy that is perfect for work. But here I am on a Sunday, not at work, not really tired, craving coffee?
I am swamped with homework. I have three essays to write today and all I've come up with so far is about half a page of unorganized thoughts, due monday by 10 am. Midterms begin next week but I can't remember learning anything yet this semester. I can already tell it's going to be a long week.
My lost roll of film has been found and is being developed as we speak. I finally found somewhere to develop professional film in the city. I'll post them soon.
I love gardening its sooooo fun! I have a lil basil in my garden too!Have you ever tried to grow any berries before?I haven't but would love a raspberrry bush

School sucks........ But it's great!!!!!!
Good Luck!!!!!!