Before I get into my travels and running from hurricanes, I want to know when was the last time you climbed a tree?
I've been doing a lot of climbing lately and I believe it's working to my advantage.
To tell you the truth, I don't think I've ever been so happy with my life. I can hardly believe the things I've done and seen in the past month. The best part about it is that I can accredit it all to myself. I deserve everything that I have achieved, I've created my existence and accomplished my goals, mostly through down right stubbornness but I did it none the less. I could not be happier.
School is great so far (other than the common disappointment I get beginning every semester when I realize that more than half the students in my classes would rather not be there). I am so enjoying the live oaks, walking through historic halls, sitting in classes rooms were countless intellectuals before me have studies more than you could imagine. My major has become my life, I live and breath it, which as you could imagine makes school really awesome. My only worry with school is that I won't be able to afford it. I got into a program this semester that enabled me to pay about 6% of the actual tuition, unfortunately it's not a program I can stay in for long.
I began working at a little coffee place. The job is great and the pay even better. I planted pumpkins, basil, rosemary and corn below my porch. I got rid of my car and bought a bus pass, knitting and reading on the street car has replaces anxiety over sitting in traffic and paying for gas. I sleep better now.
The best part is the city. I wish I knew words eloquent enough to explain this city.
As far as the hurricane goes, everything is mostly in order, overall it was just a very expensive experience. I'm just greatful to be home.
So I plan to shoot a set soon and I'm thinking about shooting it myself. I've been kinda dragging my feet over it though because lately I haven't been feeling particularly sexy, more awkward and childish, which is what I've always been I guess. I also haven't been that excited about the sets I've been seeing lately which makes me a little less motivated. I guess we'll see, eh?
I will be in Austin, TX in two weeks for Austin City Limits. I got backstage passes to The Mars Volta and I've never been to Austin so I'm very excited. I love my new pattern of running about all over country.
Here are a few photos I took during my travels. I cannot find one roll of film which was the roll I thought was going to come out the best, hopefully it'll turn up. Enjoy.
I've been doing a lot of climbing lately and I believe it's working to my advantage.
To tell you the truth, I don't think I've ever been so happy with my life. I can hardly believe the things I've done and seen in the past month. The best part about it is that I can accredit it all to myself. I deserve everything that I have achieved, I've created my existence and accomplished my goals, mostly through down right stubbornness but I did it none the less. I could not be happier.
School is great so far (other than the common disappointment I get beginning every semester when I realize that more than half the students in my classes would rather not be there). I am so enjoying the live oaks, walking through historic halls, sitting in classes rooms were countless intellectuals before me have studies more than you could imagine. My major has become my life, I live and breath it, which as you could imagine makes school really awesome. My only worry with school is that I won't be able to afford it. I got into a program this semester that enabled me to pay about 6% of the actual tuition, unfortunately it's not a program I can stay in for long.
I began working at a little coffee place. The job is great and the pay even better. I planted pumpkins, basil, rosemary and corn below my porch. I got rid of my car and bought a bus pass, knitting and reading on the street car has replaces anxiety over sitting in traffic and paying for gas. I sleep better now.
The best part is the city. I wish I knew words eloquent enough to explain this city.
As far as the hurricane goes, everything is mostly in order, overall it was just a very expensive experience. I'm just greatful to be home.
So I plan to shoot a set soon and I'm thinking about shooting it myself. I've been kinda dragging my feet over it though because lately I haven't been feeling particularly sexy, more awkward and childish, which is what I've always been I guess. I also haven't been that excited about the sets I've been seeing lately which makes me a little less motivated. I guess we'll see, eh?
I will be in Austin, TX in two weeks for Austin City Limits. I got backstage passes to The Mars Volta and I've never been to Austin so I'm very excited. I love my new pattern of running about all over country.
Here are a few photos I took during my travels. I cannot find one roll of film which was the roll I thought was going to come out the best, hopefully it'll turn up. Enjoy.
I love how everything looks there. Just from these photos I can see why you love it. It seems very fitting to your style. I love miss you lots and lots.
first time reading your blog, and i have to say im hooked! i love the way you write. good luck with school, and your new home is cute!