Hello ten days without ridiculous alarms! Half term holiday wins :D May 22, 2015 7 Facebook Tweet Email skyylar: Yay for sleep! May 22, 2015 1
Silent hill scared the bejeezes outta me, I'm such a wuss 😢 May 16, 2015 5 Facebook Tweet Email petewyse: You're not a wuss, you watched it :p I know people who would've bailed as soon as shit got weird!! May 17, 2015
Coping has just gone out the window tonight 😪 thank fucking fuck tomo… May 14, 2015 5 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 7 of 7 COMMENTS caitylou: @del I am now the weekend is here! May 16, 2015 del: Sweeeeetttt. May 16, 2015
🎶this is a lesson on procrastination May 13, 2015 1 Facebook Tweet Email del: Love this band. May 15, 2015 1
🎶From my heart and from my hand Why don't people understand My intent… May 12, 2015 6 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS trills: *Rubs thighs* Vanessa Angel, purrrr.... May 12, 2015 dmaggot: Oingo boingo May 12, 2015
When people in my team call in sick I imagine them ferris bueller sty… May 11, 2015 5 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS del: Bueller...? Bueller...? Bueller...? Bueller...? May 11, 2015 maggie_fracture: Me too!! May 12, 2015
I hope this song starts a craze. The kind of song that ignites the ai… May 10, 2015 3 Facebook Tweet Email
Work & people can suck a fuck!! May 6, 2015 9 Facebook Tweet Email maggie_fracture: Word. May 6, 2015 shaun_zeee: 🙌 May 7, 2015
the IT crowd and SG have made for an unproductive evening! ohhh well!! Apr 22, 2015 5 Facebook Tweet Email toxicroach: That show rules. Apr 22, 2015
🎶I had that dream about you again, where you drive my car right off … Apr 10, 2015 1 Facebook Tweet Email