Hey my dears,
Things have been sort of rough in Caitsey's world. I'm keeping my chin up, though, and I know that there will be major changes soon.
I really miss everybody here, and I hope to god to keep blogging. Sometimes,though,no matter how crazy or hectic my life is, it feels like I have nothing to say.
But, I'll give it a try:
My boyfriend of 2 years works for the film industry, mostly in 3D. He recently had to go away for 2 weeks in December to go to Ireland and then to Abu Dhabi. It was insanely hard being without him for so long. Thank god for Skype, Captain Morgan's and good friends.
He arrived home safely on the 23rd, and came to Ottawa to meet me at my parents place on the 24th. Words cannot express how fucking happy I was to see him. We had an excellent X-mas with my parents. I even made a German dinner on boxing day (We're not German, but I had to make my favorite meal! Haha)
How am I doing so far? Do I make decent blog conversation?
On another note, I've recently been helping out a theatre company with their online viral loads. I'm hoping to move on to something different soon, but this has been a great experience. I had not used a video camera since high school, and I had never used final cut pro in my life. I had about 32 hours of experience when I made this:
The music was done by Daavi Aquino of the band Roof Top Anthem. He did such a great job with the tunes!
What do you guys think? Not too bad for a super beginner, huh?
Like I said before, I miss everybody here like crazy, and hope to be more active. Since I'm having another Caitsey brain fart, does anyone have any life questions to help jog my stoner memory?
Love, hugs, and Morgan's,
Things have been sort of rough in Caitsey's world. I'm keeping my chin up, though, and I know that there will be major changes soon.
I really miss everybody here, and I hope to god to keep blogging. Sometimes,though,no matter how crazy or hectic my life is, it feels like I have nothing to say.
But, I'll give it a try:
My boyfriend of 2 years works for the film industry, mostly in 3D. He recently had to go away for 2 weeks in December to go to Ireland and then to Abu Dhabi. It was insanely hard being without him for so long. Thank god for Skype, Captain Morgan's and good friends.
He arrived home safely on the 23rd, and came to Ottawa to meet me at my parents place on the 24th. Words cannot express how fucking happy I was to see him. We had an excellent X-mas with my parents. I even made a German dinner on boxing day (We're not German, but I had to make my favorite meal! Haha)
How am I doing so far? Do I make decent blog conversation?

On another note, I've recently been helping out a theatre company with their online viral loads. I'm hoping to move on to something different soon, but this has been a great experience. I had not used a video camera since high school, and I had never used final cut pro in my life. I had about 32 hours of experience when I made this:
The music was done by Daavi Aquino of the band Roof Top Anthem. He did such a great job with the tunes!

What do you guys think? Not too bad for a super beginner, huh?
Like I said before, I miss everybody here like crazy, and hope to be more active. Since I'm having another Caitsey brain fart, does anyone have any life questions to help jog my stoner memory?
Love, hugs, and Morgan's,
Skype is amazing. khoos and I practically live on it when she's in Ottawa.
love yer vid, very nice job!!!