Adam Green, my future first fucking husbands is FINALLY coming to Toronto. I litterally screamed at th tops of my lungs when I found out, and BOLTED down the hall to tell my friend. I told my friend Kurt, who is home and safe now, by the way, and he's going to come with me. This is going to be such an amazing, amazing show!

Adam Green, my future first fucking husbands is FINALLY coming to Toronto. I litterally screamed at th tops of my lungs when I found out, and BOLTED down the hall to tell my friend. I told my friend Kurt, who is home and safe now, by the way, and he's going to come with me. This is going to be such an amazing, amazing show!

I have actually been there. I don't remember what it was for, or what I was doing really. It was my first and only time in toronto and it was my last night there. I know there was dancing, but I don't really remember how dumpy the place was.
Caitsey love thank you so much I absolutley adore you to pieces!!!