Hokai, so...
My wisdom teeth are the most painful motherfuckers right now (well 2 of 4 are). I went to the hospital and the doctor perscribed me percocets, which are great! I get a little funny when I'm on them, but they make the pain almost non-existant.
Tomorrow at work, my boss has a bunch of interviews lined up for my replacement. I lwant to be nosy and guess which one is going to usurp me, haha just kidding. But really, I hope he picks a bright one because I have like no time to train her!!
Then on Saturday morning I have to go to dentist...alone (egads!) to have my teeth ripped out with only a local anesthetic (I know that's better than nothing but I want to be asleep). It's a cheap dental office for poor Torontonians like myself, and since I have to move on the 22nd, I think it's best to do it now since I won't get it done anywhere else for $200. Pray for me
Next Saturday will be my last night out in the city! I am going to Cherry Bomb, so if any of you are lesbos and live here, come out so I can meet you and we will have a blast!
Also, please don't forget to comment on/like my setViolette And thank you to all those who have already!!
My wisdom teeth are the most painful motherfuckers right now (well 2 of 4 are). I went to the hospital and the doctor perscribed me percocets, which are great! I get a little funny when I'm on them, but they make the pain almost non-existant.
Tomorrow at work, my boss has a bunch of interviews lined up for my replacement. I lwant to be nosy and guess which one is going to usurp me, haha just kidding. But really, I hope he picks a bright one because I have like no time to train her!!
Then on Saturday morning I have to go to dentist...alone (egads!) to have my teeth ripped out with only a local anesthetic (I know that's better than nothing but I want to be asleep). It's a cheap dental office for poor Torontonians like myself, and since I have to move on the 22nd, I think it's best to do it now since I won't get it done anywhere else for $200. Pray for me
Next Saturday will be my last night out in the city! I am going to Cherry Bomb, so if any of you are lesbos and live here, come out so I can meet you and we will have a blast!
Also, please don't forget to comment on/like my setViolette And thank you to all those who have already!!
Yay thanks again! do you like wrestling or your just being nice lol??
Ahhh thats nuts you like it too. Yeah some of it gets crazy i'll admit that but they didnt fire sin cara he got fucking destroyed by shaemus at money in the bank and now hes too injured to return for summerslam so they got someone to replace him.