what an odd day/night/morning. i didn't eat anything today at all, and drank a bit to drown my sorrows that came along with the cheating episode. it was so nice out today, which didn't help my little pity party i was having with myself at all. i just kept thinking about how we wouldn't be able to enjoy the spring together and it really depressed me. the night began to look up though after i watched blow. at least my life isn't completely hopeless. i came back from my friend's at like 2:30 in the morning and followed around this possum for like 20 minutes. i know i'm a weirdo nature lover, but it was the cutest mangiest little thing ever, with a little bald spot on its back and broken tail. some cops kept looking at me like i was insane. later at like 3 in the morning my friend asked me to come listen to some mixed tape he was making and i got locked out of my dorm when i tried to get back in around 5. being the little weirdo i am, rather than wait like an hour for someone to come out, or call my roomate and wake her up, i broke in. i found a loose screen and the fold out window was open so i slid in and swung on a pipe on the ceiling and on to my feet inside. i felt really accomplished and macgyveresque. so much any sort of security if i could break in. i should totally become a robber.
things are looking up i suppose.
things are looking up i suppose.

I hope that you're doing better...I was slightly worried about you caitlin 

thanks for the happy belated b-day and the tao of pooh shout out! reading your journal reminded me when i was a young buck and afraid to carry a key so i would climb to a second story window everyday when i got home from school. it was all good till a cop saw me and freaked out. thinking that i was breaking into a house!