Kind of a shitty day...
3am last night I got a call on my cell from my ex's number. I haven't talked to him for a while so I answered, and it was some random girl asking if he was good in bed.
Then today I found out that a friend of mine who I thought had mono actually has cancer in his mouth, and is getting half of his tongue removed Tues
Plus for the past couple of days there have been really annoying people at my house, and I hate being here, but I have no where else to go really.
And I'm hungry and lonely....probably because I bitch so much
3am last night I got a call on my cell from my ex's number. I haven't talked to him for a while so I answered, and it was some random girl asking if he was good in bed.

Then today I found out that a friend of mine who I thought had mono actually has cancer in his mouth, and is getting half of his tongue removed Tues

Plus for the past couple of days there have been really annoying people at my house, and I hate being here, but I have no where else to go really.

And I'm hungry and lonely....probably because I bitch so much

Cait, (nice spelling by the way)
I appreciate the reply. Hope we can meet sometine at a Kzoo event.
later -K