So heres some stuff....
I'm not really thinking I'm going to do Cape Town anymore
Its for a few reasons, but at least one of them is awesome- I got accepted into my major!
This is pretty damn sweet, as I wasn't really sure that I would, but now I think I need to stay here and try to finish up everything as quickly and inexpensively as I can
Vagina Monologues is this weekend! Last night was opening night and it was way fun
If you want to come see me talk about Vaginas, you totally should! There are two performances left.
Sat. 8pm
Sun 2pm
Dalton Recital Hall, WMU
$5 at the door
Now the shitty part....I just woke up after one of those really realistic dreams that keeps you really disoriented for a while, and living in the past a bit.
It was about my boyfriend that I broke up with approaching two years ago this Valentines Day. It took me a really long time to get over him, and I think that I am and all, but I had this dream that we got back together and everything was all perfect. Not that that could ever happen I'm sure
I just realized how much I miss being in love- and more than that how cynicical I am towards that ever happening again.
As much as I hate to admit it, Valentines Day apparently does get to me- at least subconciously...
Enough about me- how YOU doin?
I'm not really thinking I'm going to do Cape Town anymore

Its for a few reasons, but at least one of them is awesome- I got accepted into my major!

Vagina Monologues is this weekend! Last night was opening night and it was way fun

Sat. 8pm
Sun 2pm
Dalton Recital Hall, WMU
$5 at the door
Now the shitty part....I just woke up after one of those really realistic dreams that keeps you really disoriented for a while, and living in the past a bit.
It was about my boyfriend that I broke up with approaching two years ago this Valentines Day. It took me a really long time to get over him, and I think that I am and all, but I had this dream that we got back together and everything was all perfect. Not that that could ever happen I'm sure

I just realized how much I miss being in love- and more than that how cynicical I am towards that ever happening again.

As much as I hate to admit it, Valentines Day apparently does get to me- at least subconciously...
Enough about me- how YOU doin?

congrats on getting accepted into your major. I'm sorry about your dream. I have had dreams about my ex that I was with for 7 years and it took me along time to get over him as well. I hate those kind of dreams.

Happy Valentines Day.