do not have 4 beers in 20 minutes before last call. i did that & ended up with a DUI. my friend told me she needed a ride home after work about 6 PM that evening. i didn't have anything to drink, what so ever. i arrived at the strip club; she's a dancer; at about 1 am on the 4th of july. i got bored & decided to get buzzed. i started drinking about 130. that's the first time i looked at the clock in the club. i was counting my beers he whole time. when last call was called at about 145, i downed my beer. when everyone was kicked out at 155, i went to the gas station up the road; as i hadn't eating anything since 6 o'clock, when she called me. i got my snack; passed like 3 county cops while walking to my car, & drove back to the strip club. on the way, a statey past me going the other way. he saw my liscense plate light was out & turned around. after i had turned my car off & my other shit in the car; police lights were flashing & he slid as he slammed his brakes behind me. he smelt the beer on my breath. this being my first time, i played his games. come to find out, i could have refused the tests & just asked for the tickets for the light & my dog collar on my rear view mirror. i blew a 0.13 at the sceene & a 0.10 at county. i wasn;t speeding; i wans;t swirving. i was stopped for a damn light. sorry to those that have had a loved one killed by a drunk driver, but i wasn't even buzzed at that point. i know my limit!!!! i will call a cab if no one i'm out with can drive. EVERYONE knows me at that club & i can leave my car there as long as i want. they will call me a cab if i say i can't drive. the bouncers were even surprised at the fact that i hardly drank that night. this $2.58 bulb is gonna cost me over $2500.00 by the time everything is over. this shit sucks ass!!
also after your first have a tattoo the first wash is best done in the shower with quiet warm water to open the pores and really wash all the gooey weeping stuff away. you should be able to feel the difference when all that gooey shit is off. then you should blast it with cold water. this closes the pores up. and feels really good.
and in that first 48 hours that tattoo is going to weep all the excess shit out of it. thats why its best to wash it as frequently as it is weeping. that means the 'scab' is going to be lighter and thinner than if you just let all that weeping sit on your tattoo and dry. some times i will wash my tattoo 6 or 7 times, depending on the area and amount of weeping. also its really good hygiene while that area is still 'open'
on bout the 3 or so day your tattoo should really be dried out. its similar to when you fall over a get a scab somewhere. its raw for the first couple of days then it gets a decent scab. but with the tattoo you want a thin light peel similar to sunburn. now usually i recommend people to start putting a tiny bit of cream on but recently i have not put cream on untill it is too dry and then its only a tiny bit.
then it takes anywhere from day 3 to day 21 for the scabs to come off naturally. generally i heal in 4 to 7 days but everyone is different and different areas take longer. and sometimes if the scab comes off too quickly it can double peel which can be annoying!
also you can expect swelling in areas too like ankles, wrists, feet just depends where you get tattooed.
hope that helps. ive had 9 years of getting tattooed experience and trying every single method of healing!