AHAHAHA. Fire DRILL!!! SUCKAAAAAAS! Someone pulled the fire alarm and everyone had to get out of bed, which is hilarious because I wasn't IN bed. It wouldn't be funny if I were in bed and the fire thing went off. I'd have to eat someone's face.
Stocked up on food so I'll never have to leave my room. Awesome.
My joints crack.
God no. Classes. It's 2 AM. What the fuck am I here for. Stupid bitch didn't post the assignment. DIE!
I love you, all.
Just kidding.
Stocked up on food so I'll never have to leave my room. Awesome.
My joints crack.
God no. Classes. It's 2 AM. What the fuck am I here for. Stupid bitch didn't post the assignment. DIE!
I love you, all.
Just kidding.
Get some sleep it's almost 2:30