"Puking is the second best release to orgasm. I dig it. When I puke, it's totally righteous. It's so great, it's like a total release of heaviness. It's like an orgasm coming out of your mouth." --Sebastian Bach, Skid Row.
Puking's alright but I don't know about orgasmic. Heather picked me up from the bar last time I went and I was so drunk I couldn't see but I wanted Taco Bell. We were in the Taco Bell drive-thru and I opened my door and puked eeeeeverywhere. People were cheering. And I didn't care, not one bit.
Look at this, Curiosis made me into a pixie. I rarely get cool shit like this so I'm gonna put it up:
Isn't that neat?
I can't find my wallet and it's creeping me out. I know it's in the house somewhere I just don't know where. Classes started yesterday and I should be reading all 11 books I had to buy but I'm too distracted by the wallet issue. Plus procrastination is not just a casual thing for me, it's a way of life.
I was tattooed from puss to the bottom of my boobs a few days ago. Huge. Gut. Tattoo. No pictures yet though because it's not finished. I've actually been filling up quite nicely lately but I never post pictures in here because it'll be a surprise when/if I ever get around to shooting another set. Moving pictures.
Is Dave Mustaine French? And is he really a born-again Christian? Let's hope not. I guess I've run out of things on which to speculate. Oh, I got an Ipod for Christmas, I know I'm 5 years behind on this but it's really coooool.

Puking's alright but I don't know about orgasmic. Heather picked me up from the bar last time I went and I was so drunk I couldn't see but I wanted Taco Bell. We were in the Taco Bell drive-thru and I opened my door and puked eeeeeverywhere. People were cheering. And I didn't care, not one bit.
Look at this, Curiosis made me into a pixie. I rarely get cool shit like this so I'm gonna put it up:

Isn't that neat?
I can't find my wallet and it's creeping me out. I know it's in the house somewhere I just don't know where. Classes started yesterday and I should be reading all 11 books I had to buy but I'm too distracted by the wallet issue. Plus procrastination is not just a casual thing for me, it's a way of life.
I was tattooed from puss to the bottom of my boobs a few days ago. Huge. Gut. Tattoo. No pictures yet though because it's not finished. I've actually been filling up quite nicely lately but I never post pictures in here because it'll be a surprise when/if I ever get around to shooting another set. Moving pictures.
Is Dave Mustaine French? And is he really a born-again Christian? Let's hope not. I guess I've run out of things on which to speculate. Oh, I got an Ipod for Christmas, I know I'm 5 years behind on this but it's really coooool.
Oi!!! Give us a teaser!!!!

The pixie picture is hot. Almost as hot as Sebastian Bachs hair.