I deleted pretty much all those friend requests. There were just too many, and none came with any true interest shown in actually being "friends" so I said fuck it. But thanks for all the comments on the new set. Didn't Lorelei do a wonderful job? She is so good. That set is so old. I'm not sure when we shot it, but it was a long fucking time ago. So, not an accurate depiction. But whatever. I guess that's the way it is. Hopefully you all saw Wendy's set the same time my set was up on that front page and your brain exploded. I'd laugh. She was supposed to come out and chase some dragons and eat some butter chicken with me but she had to stay home and study. What a nerd. I suppose it's a good thing we don't live on the moon, because I'm pretty sure we all know what happens to nerds on the moon. That was last night. But my festivities are carrying on today, and probably for the rest of my life.
Holy cow, I think it might storm. Like right now.
I want to close with a song lyric or some sort of limerick for today, but I can't think of anything remotely interesting.
I almost got to see Alex Grey this weekend, venue got changed though.
In turn I did get to meet Dennis Mckenna.
I like your taste.