It was about damn time. I am now satisfied...I guess. I had a very eventful Sunday. Shot some new sets with master Prue. I will say that it was awesome, and I will say no more.
Does it really get any hotter than this? I mean, FUCK...god DAMN.

How 'bout some cool you off.

Here's something that I think is so beautiful, maybe too beautiful to live. Maybe I should hunt down and kill. It hurts me to look at him. Hurts...deep down inside.

Men who look like this should not exsist unless they are interested in me as a lifesexpartner. Just my opinion.
This is one of my heroes. I'm planning a tattoo. Big. Black and gray. My stark white thigh.

This is me in the near future.

I think I stole that from Miss Wendy... or something. I think the dude who made it is one of her favorite artists. I just liked the picture.
Davey Havok touched my time.

It was about damn time. I am now satisfied...I guess. I had a very eventful Sunday. Shot some new sets with master Prue. I will say that it was awesome, and I will say no more.
Does it really get any hotter than this? I mean, FUCK...god DAMN.

How 'bout some cool you off.

Here's something that I think is so beautiful, maybe too beautiful to live. Maybe I should hunt down and kill. It hurts me to look at him. Hurts...deep down inside.

Men who look like this should not exsist unless they are interested in me as a lifesexpartner. Just my opinion.
This is one of my heroes. I'm planning a tattoo. Big. Black and gray. My stark white thigh.

This is me in the near future.

I think I stole that from Miss Wendy... or something. I think the dude who made it is one of her favorite artists. I just liked the picture.
Davey Havok touched my time.

for you, love.