My Set Portugal Tropical is still in member review, with 2424 likes and over 400 comments, which is WOW, so it's really disappointing that is hasn't been picked up, yet. It is not only the best set I ever shot, thanks @plum for being an awesome photographer, but it is also the set with the best results in MR in such a short time, and ever. I actually have a set with less love than that which was on the Front Page. But, since, I hate complaining, and have to submit to whatever governs what makes it to the FP, I am here to thank you all for the support and amazing words you left me on the comments. I am humbled at almost 40 years old to still receive such interest and praise.
Also, here we are in 2021. I hope we all have a better year, that it's freer and healthier at least. And, that yesterday's events in the US capitol don't mark the beginning of a year plagued by fascism.
So, happy New Year my friends <3
For my part I wish to get back to meditation and workout, finish my book's first draft this month, and have it ready to send out to literary agents by June. To write another one, shorter, a standalone possibly, and draft a third one, plus plot a fourth. Read 100 books minimum. And, if I can €€€ have my 40th birthday in Maldives. And, of course be on the the damn FP of the site, at least one last time before I turn 40 LOL
Dreaming big I am!
What are your new year's resolutions, and dreams?
If you haven't seen my new set here's the link again.
P.S.: check my links on bio for my private content.
@lemon @rambo @eirenne