here it is... the scoop about what's going down. jan 20 is inugration day. somehow it now seems more like the crowning of an emperor than it does celebrating the democratic process. but don't worry. this day is also NOT A DAMN DIME DAY!!!! that's right in order to protest the war everyone is asked to not spend one red cent on this day to protest a war that is completely wrong. support the troops(me) and say fuck you establishment. here we come; marching down the road got the feeling the guillotine isn't really that old; maybe the wrong blood's being spilt; no joke; who are the ones keeping their people down; voted for representing not paid for by interest(s); come on no explict lyrics stickers for this song-just yell it out; FUCK YOU...FUCK YOU... just something to think about, when you can't hear their innocent voices screaming about and you want to talk about glory--about honor... sorry didn't know that these we were the words that only suckers hear keep pumping the boys full of beer throw a few bills their way and count your dividend earnings at the end of the day. your boys at enron might as well as blown up buildings taking lives and striping them down till their ghost, a shell dwelling in some kind of fucked up hell where everyone's getting the feeling it only matters if you get caught getting your dick sucked...
on a further note: i'm not sure what the date is for this. i can't remember so i'll go look it up and put the post up whenever it is....
Fucking right, support the troops question the politics. there are many things we as a nation should fix here before attacking people that are picking us off. Not all Islam is bad but to the ones that are we should reevaluate how to defeat them before sending us out. But I'll still go anyway.