I hears it you but it's one of those strange days, strange weeks. Might be moving back to Chitown, starting a magazine, finally putting in work on a project, trying to make sure I spend enoug time listening to good music, riding this wonderful wave of danger sensing something big is happening which kept me from opening my cafe at least delaying it for a little while longer, all this plus my strange job and dealing with the VA ugh.
But in the end a glorious hot bath, a little something something with a twist, a good tune and a layer of silence between you and the insanity of a thousand cars passing over a highway in less than hour greatfully removed from my new place. Digging finally feeling free. Hells yeah free.
Lost my best friend. Well semioticly speaking I don't think it's possible to write down some easy words in this manner b/c lost usually implies death but it wasn't a physical death unfortunately a metaphysical one. Which is weird. Makes the shades of colours of things different. Then it feels right because the changes that happened, well happened for reasons I do not wish to disclose as it would betray good memories I'd like to have in those rare moments unexpected that make you smile then move on, like if you had this net that could scoop up wishes and prayers and you plucked one down and experienced it, you just say thank you, smile warmly so that when you close your eyes you hug that friend and send it out into the sky.
gained a few others. anD the World mOves oN...
But I am enjoying my new joint but not sure how long'll be here and that'll be one hell of adventure.
Enjoy rehashing out Christian Bale's tirade whenever someone does something stupid and feel even the slightest bit of anger so that can quickly laugh it away by hearing the ridiculousness of it all.
I used to always recomend some song that was playing in my head as I write these. Yeah earphones not imaginary ones thank you(yeah have those also but those are for work so I mean it's not like the ones people should be afraid of if they're hearing them or know someone that does.
kind of wish I had a nice beer at the moment but hey working all the time so that you forget to deposit your pay checks until one day you check online and are negative because oops!..forgot to show the paper to a teller so she can type the key into the code... yEah foR christ sake you thinkI'd have caught that whole thing.
oh well. it's good problem to have.
hAd a vErY baD caSe of Writer's bLocK for a while. I can't say i reccomend it. Nah, not really. Fuck it though it's lifted and that's good. Time to go to work again. Plus the other work plus work already done still collecting on and it's all good. Happy I no longer play cards for a living. But miss the feeling of always being to produce a fat roll of hundreds because i scored higher on the iNtelligenCe quizz.
Mostly really wanting to know who hooked me up with this particular subscription to this joint. It said anymous the immortal who's died and is still alive a million times over extended this handshake, slap on the ass sort of thing and I'm eternally curious so...Cheers to you if you choose to stay unknown by me.
But in the end a glorious hot bath, a little something something with a twist, a good tune and a layer of silence between you and the insanity of a thousand cars passing over a highway in less than hour greatfully removed from my new place. Digging finally feeling free. Hells yeah free.
Lost my best friend. Well semioticly speaking I don't think it's possible to write down some easy words in this manner b/c lost usually implies death but it wasn't a physical death unfortunately a metaphysical one. Which is weird. Makes the shades of colours of things different. Then it feels right because the changes that happened, well happened for reasons I do not wish to disclose as it would betray good memories I'd like to have in those rare moments unexpected that make you smile then move on, like if you had this net that could scoop up wishes and prayers and you plucked one down and experienced it, you just say thank you, smile warmly so that when you close your eyes you hug that friend and send it out into the sky.
gained a few others. anD the World mOves oN...
But I am enjoying my new joint but not sure how long'll be here and that'll be one hell of adventure.
Enjoy rehashing out Christian Bale's tirade whenever someone does something stupid and feel even the slightest bit of anger so that can quickly laugh it away by hearing the ridiculousness of it all.
I used to always recomend some song that was playing in my head as I write these. Yeah earphones not imaginary ones thank you(yeah have those also but those are for work so I mean it's not like the ones people should be afraid of if they're hearing them or know someone that does.
kind of wish I had a nice beer at the moment but hey working all the time so that you forget to deposit your pay checks until one day you check online and are negative because oops!..forgot to show the paper to a teller so she can type the key into the code... yEah foR christ sake you thinkI'd have caught that whole thing.
oh well. it's good problem to have.
hAd a vErY baD caSe of Writer's bLocK for a while. I can't say i reccomend it. Nah, not really. Fuck it though it's lifted and that's good. Time to go to work again. Plus the other work plus work already done still collecting on and it's all good. Happy I no longer play cards for a living. But miss the feeling of always being to produce a fat roll of hundreds because i scored higher on the iNtelligenCe quizz.
Mostly really wanting to know who hooked me up with this particular subscription to this joint. It said anymous the immortal who's died and is still alive a million times over extended this handshake, slap on the ass sort of thing and I'm eternally curious so...Cheers to you if you choose to stay unknown by me.
I can't wait for you to hear it! I'm excited to see how you like it now!
And yea, my unoriginal swallow tattoos. They commemorate that I survived a suicide attempt at a college I was majorly depressed at five years ago. I got them done five years to the day. Swallows and good luck and hope, but that hasn't been the case with me lately.
Oh and Desmodena wrote me a note trying to bitch me out. Too bad she still sucks.