i figured i'd being doing more posts and what this year like i once did but i have been busy busy busy.
i am feeling like a slave. i supposedly live in a free country where everyday we lose more and more freedom and stretch out an empire contrary to what this country is supposed to be.
due to those facts i would only vote for ron paul, will vote for him as a write in if i have to.
very interesting film to catch is zeitgeist. go check it out you can watch it online @ zeitgeistmovie.com
i'd like to show it to a church on a sunday but b/c i am freedom lover it'd be wrong for me.
previously i thought it was wrong to own a gun. now when i feel my safety threatened i no longer am of that opinion.
rich against poor and baby we out number the likes of you. and while you're out sipping mochas complaining about bullshit some of us were out getting trained on numerous ways to kill people and brain washed to fix that conscience so that it's really quite easy to pull a trigger or gut a man. then we got the real life experience of fighting in a war that hurt a people more than it helped them while the military industrial complex grew and grew and oil sky rocketed because of the threat of war.
old truth: the rich cause wars to gain wealth and power while the poor fight them for ideals and glory.
i hear the revolution knocking at my door so be good and instead of letting people or institutions tell you how to act or what to do try using that free choice you've been given grow a set of nuts and tell people how it is. and don;t ever be afraid of dying...that's a fore gone conclusion.
i am feeling like a slave. i supposedly live in a free country where everyday we lose more and more freedom and stretch out an empire contrary to what this country is supposed to be.
due to those facts i would only vote for ron paul, will vote for him as a write in if i have to.
very interesting film to catch is zeitgeist. go check it out you can watch it online @ zeitgeistmovie.com
i'd like to show it to a church on a sunday but b/c i am freedom lover it'd be wrong for me.
previously i thought it was wrong to own a gun. now when i feel my safety threatened i no longer am of that opinion.
rich against poor and baby we out number the likes of you. and while you're out sipping mochas complaining about bullshit some of us were out getting trained on numerous ways to kill people and brain washed to fix that conscience so that it's really quite easy to pull a trigger or gut a man. then we got the real life experience of fighting in a war that hurt a people more than it helped them while the military industrial complex grew and grew and oil sky rocketed because of the threat of war.
old truth: the rich cause wars to gain wealth and power while the poor fight them for ideals and glory.
i hear the revolution knocking at my door so be good and instead of letting people or institutions tell you how to act or what to do try using that free choice you've been given grow a set of nuts and tell people how it is. and don;t ever be afraid of dying...that's a fore gone conclusion.