so if anyone knows of any good bartending jobs in the south florida area or anyone who can help me with that please let me know. ive been gone for 4 yrs and my friends here dont work in the industry so without a car its too hard too go around randomly looking for places. ive been bartending for seven years. ive worked in everything from private clubs, celebs, government officials, and huge volume concerts. i can spit fire and i'm willing to wear low cut tops lol... so please.. i need money.
so if anyone knows of any good bartending jobs in the south florida area or anyone who can help me with that please let me know. ive been gone for 4 yrs and my friends here dont work in the industry so without a car its too hard too go around randomly looking for places. ive been bartending for seven years. ive worked in everything from private clubs, celebs, government officials, and huge volume concerts. i can spit fire and i'm willing to wear low cut tops lol... so please.. i need money.
Aww I wisdh I could help but I live in Toronto well good luck hope it all works out for you
the hard rock hollywood bars and clubs and high volume rest/s would be a place i would look..or craIgslist local scene...good luck..i bartend up in boca kinda far