Hey guys! So since my internet situation is dismal at best I'm
attempting to learn how to update my journal and pics with my sidekick
in some efforts of keeping up with those I adore on here. Unfortunately
its been pretty impossible to view the rest of the site (other journals,
groups, chat) with my phone's internet.
Here are some pics at my
attempt at curling my hair and getting hired.. Guess it worked as I got
the job! I hate serving since I'm an extremely qualified bartender but
they'll move me up when there's an opening so soon enough. Until then
I'm just trying to be boring and work as much as possible, not spend
money, and just do as much as I can as fast as I can so I can have my
honey here with me asap! I hope everyone is doing well... I miss you
guys! Xoxo
attempting to learn how to update my journal and pics with my sidekick
in some efforts of keeping up with those I adore on here. Unfortunately
its been pretty impossible to view the rest of the site (other journals,
groups, chat) with my phone's internet.

attempt at curling my hair and getting hired.. Guess it worked as I got
the job! I hate serving since I'm an extremely qualified bartender but
they'll move me up when there's an opening so soon enough. Until then
I'm just trying to be boring and work as much as possible, not spend
money, and just do as much as I can as fast as I can so I can have my
honey here with me asap! I hope everyone is doing well... I miss you
guys! Xoxo
P.S. can I get a beer ma'am please lol
Where you go?