Tiny post- on stolen wireless...
made it to miami!!! woohoo- currently cut off from my friends in an apartment on the water on an island..the view is amazing though! off to rearrange my crap since there is no space to walk right now, then packing (yeah more packing lol..) for my trip to chicago that's tomorrow!!! *big ass goofy grin*
i'll catch up with u guys soon- hopefully i can get reliable internet during my layovers tomorrow...
hope everyone is well! gotta pack, unpack and make myself look girly for kobey! ;p
ps- i said "layovers" *giggles*
... i'd sure like to be laid over!
made it to miami!!! woohoo- currently cut off from my friends in an apartment on the water on an island..the view is amazing though! off to rearrange my crap since there is no space to walk right now, then packing (yeah more packing lol..) for my trip to chicago that's tomorrow!!! *big ass goofy grin*
i'll catch up with u guys soon- hopefully i can get reliable internet during my layovers tomorrow...
hope everyone is well! gotta pack, unpack and make myself look girly for kobey! ;p
ps- i said "layovers" *giggles*

HOW ARE YOU CRAZY KIDS?!?!??!?! don't fuck eachother to death 

Hah, I was right, (read your response on BRS's blog about the 6 yo thing and I guessed you had to be a leap baby). Do I win a prize?