Hello Party People!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful week.
I was in San Diego this week. The weather was great. Unfortunately for the poor San Diegoians the Padres lost their Wild Card seat but it was a great game to watch.
I got board on my drive home so I made some impulsive music purchases at Starbucks (You know you are a geek when you make your major music purchases at Starbucks). I got The Reminder by Feist, Beastie Boys The MIx Up, and Bob Dylan's Greatest hits
Today is the very sexy dreamstar Birthday. Please go to her page and wish her a good one!
I need to find time this week to wash my dog, and put some of my brother's stuff on ebay. I did end up getting him a storage unit because he has way to much stuff for his little apartment. But last weekend we did end up giving a lot away and throwing a bunch away.
Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their week!

Now that it is fall...
Candy Corn? For or Against and why?

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week.
I was in San Diego this week. The weather was great. Unfortunately for the poor San Diegoians the Padres lost their Wild Card seat but it was a great game to watch.
I got board on my drive home so I made some impulsive music purchases at Starbucks (You know you are a geek when you make your major music purchases at Starbucks). I got The Reminder by Feist, Beastie Boys The MIx Up, and Bob Dylan's Greatest hits
Today is the very sexy dreamstar Birthday. Please go to her page and wish her a good one!
I need to find time this week to wash my dog, and put some of my brother's stuff on ebay. I did end up getting him a storage unit because he has way to much stuff for his little apartment. But last weekend we did end up giving a lot away and throwing a bunch away.
Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their week!

Now that it is fall...
Candy Corn? For or Against and why?

I don't give advice, but I do need it a lot lol