Yesterday I went to my cousins 50th Birthday celebration. They had it at the Trump National Golf Course in Palos Verdes. This is about ten miles south from where I live.

As you can see we are having some great weather. It has not been too hot or too cold. If you look close you can see Catalina Island in the background.
The party was fun. There were about 30 family members. More pics here
Today marks the three year anniversary of the War in Iraq. I am very anti this war. I think we went in for all the wrong reasons and are just slaves to the Saudis. Regardless of how you feel about the war I think we should we should reflect on our military and troops that are severing our country. We should also reflect on the poor people in the region that are being bullied by insurgents and brain washed by their clerics. I am so grateful to live in a secular country. It shows how important freedoms of religion and speech are. As well as how vital it is that we as a people are tolerant to others No, America is not perfect and this current administration is down right scary. But I dont think I would want to live anywhere else.
Women rights, religion and free speach... Interview on MEMRI
Hope Everyone has a Great Week!