Feeling much better today. I think I am going to rest it up the remainder of the week. So I doubt if I will go out tomorrow and drink up the Guinness and Murphys. But I hope everyone is planning a fun and exciting St. Patricks Day Celibration. I wish everyone luck and hope you all find that pot-o-gold! If you go out tonight or tomorrow have a drink for me
Yesterday the Ides of March rung true. My old boss threw me under the bus with my old account. But the great thing is they stood up for me and told her she was full of shit! They called me yesterday to give me the skinny and I have documented it and let my current management know what is going. This morning my boss sent her an email defending me. So in addition to feeling good health wise I am feeling good about my job too.

Yesterday the Ides of March rung true. My old boss threw me under the bus with my old account. But the great thing is they stood up for me and told her she was full of shit! They called me yesterday to give me the skinny and I have documented it and let my current management know what is going. This morning my boss sent her an email defending me. So in addition to feeling good health wise I am feeling good about my job too.
thanks again.