Hi everyone....
So after my Grandma died, I kinda dropped off the face of the planet, but I am back and I'm trying to get on with my life....I hope you all are doing well.....Since the last time I was on here, a lot has changed.... I broke up with my boyfriend, I've assumed more responsibility at work and have been promoted, I moved out of my parent's house and now live in a beautiful condo with a friend and for once in my life, I feel free, but i'm saddened at the same time....
I haven't had sex for almost a year, I miss it, but mostly I miss the affection.....I miss my boyfriend, but not enough, he was never around, not a good match for me....My Mom raised me as a Jehovah's Wittness and their rules are fucked up....I left the religion 2 years ago and my Mom has never gotten over it.....Now that I don't live with her and my Dad, she doesn't talk to me, the rules are that if any member of the congregation leaves the religion, they are to be ex-communicated regardless of the relationship to the person in question.....So I'm sexless, boyfriendless, motherless....blah!!!!!
I'm so glad to have a good group of friends to call my family....I'm glad to be back on SG, it gives me an outlet to express my inner most feelings and I get a lot of much needed feedback and advice from all of you...I love getting to know new people on here and it makes me feel good to know that I'm not alone.....
I hope you all are having a good week, I'll write more soon
So after my Grandma died, I kinda dropped off the face of the planet, but I am back and I'm trying to get on with my life....I hope you all are doing well.....Since the last time I was on here, a lot has changed.... I broke up with my boyfriend, I've assumed more responsibility at work and have been promoted, I moved out of my parent's house and now live in a beautiful condo with a friend and for once in my life, I feel free, but i'm saddened at the same time....
I haven't had sex for almost a year, I miss it, but mostly I miss the affection.....I miss my boyfriend, but not enough, he was never around, not a good match for me....My Mom raised me as a Jehovah's Wittness and their rules are fucked up....I left the religion 2 years ago and my Mom has never gotten over it.....Now that I don't live with her and my Dad, she doesn't talk to me, the rules are that if any member of the congregation leaves the religion, they are to be ex-communicated regardless of the relationship to the person in question.....So I'm sexless, boyfriendless, motherless....blah!!!!!
I'm so glad to have a good group of friends to call my family....I'm glad to be back on SG, it gives me an outlet to express my inner most feelings and I get a lot of much needed feedback and advice from all of you...I love getting to know new people on here and it makes me feel good to know that I'm not alone.....
I hope you all are having a good week, I'll write more soon

look .. being free.. is a state of mind.. and you chose it over the status quo... no matter what religions say.. family will never be replaced.. and i think you did a courageous thing.. so I for one say "Fucke'm .. It's My LIFE, and I know what makes me happy to move forward and look for my own truth..or life ".... and Life will improve... just take it one day at a time.. take the time to mjoy the lil things.. and friends.. boyfriends wil all come to ya.. in time. maube overnite.. and you look like a hot lil item anyways.. so i see no problem for you whatso ever in getting laid or gettin in a meaningful relationship .. .. it's all up to you ... I'm Bhuddist (or so i claim to be ..LOL).. even thoough we were die hard catholics.. Bhuddism works extremely well for me ... and my parents learned to accept my choices .. in time .. , then sex will come, then one day a guy will strike you with an odd curiousity, and BAM!!!!.. You're in Love again ..so just do what ya gotta do.. seek happiness... there is no right way to happiness.. only you know what works for ya . i hope that helped a lil ...

hey .. nice smile and eyes.. wow . especiallly in that blk dress ..... "tres sexy chic "