Grandma died yesterday afternoon, it was around a quarter to 4...I'm very sad, but I'm just glad that she's no longer in pain....The hardest part of the day was being here when the coroner's came to take her body, i got angry watching her being tagged and packed into a plastic bag like a piece of meat...I know they were just doing their job, but it was hard to watch.....I don't know what I'm going to do with myself now, my Mom and I are so use to taking care of her, now I guess we go back to how it was before she came to live with us....It's going to be so lonely and I don't think I'll ever step foot in her room again, I just can't......I love you Grandma and I know that you are sitting in God's lap now and he is taking care of you for us....Look in on me sometimes ok? I'll miss you
<3 Amanda
<3 Amanda
I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my grandmother when I was 14, it was so long ago, but still very hard. She will always be alive in your hearts, and she is now at peace.

if you come on at all anymore.. theres a party going on this weekend.. details in my blog.. im trying to invite SG people from around the area so we can possibly think about starting an SG Valley group