Grandma died yesterday afternoon, it was around a quarter to 4...I'm very sad, but I'm just glad that she's no longer in pain....The hardest part of the day was being here when the coroner's came to take her body, i got angry watching her being tagged and packed into a plastic bag like a piece of meat...I know they were just doing their job, but...
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I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my grandmother when I was 14, it was so long ago, but still very hard. She will always be alive in your hearts, and she is now at peace. blush
if you come on at all anymore.. theres a party going on this weekend.. details in my blog.. im trying to invite SG people from around the area so we can possibly think about starting an SG Valley group smile
I am so sorry to hear that, hopefully she isn't in pain. Just try to get as much rest as you can. I will be praying for you. frown
I'm at church, on my lunch break (Sundays are always busy, i am tutor for our sunday school and i'm fluent in sign language and i to interepreting for the deaf in our congregation) so i'm here with my laptop taking a break and writing to all of you...my fingers hurt like hell, a couple are even bleeding cuz i took my nail tips off...
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Hey you, sorry I have called like a million times today being a pest and all. Sorry you are hurting so bad, I feel ya, trust me. Hope you get some relief at the salon. smile Truth be told, I wouldnt have DECLINED a visit/massage from you, but after you texting me about your nails, I wasn't expecting it, that's why I kept callinbg trying to get you on the phone, so you knew I didn't have alterior motives for talking to you. A massage would be heaven for sure, but when and if you are up to it sometime, no worries. I'm just anxious for you and Kris to become friends more than anything esle, cuz I think it will make a lot of things "better" if she sees the warm, genuine, compassionate person that I know you are already. I hope you feel better tonight.
kiss kiss kiss
um, yeah, I like the nails just fine. Really nice background you got in that photo too. I was worried I had made you mad when you answered cuz you were like, "I'M KINDA BUSSSYYYYY!". Sorry for being such a pest today, but glad you feel better. smile
hey everyone....Today is a good day! I've had about 6 cups of coffee and I feel fucking fabulous! I have another date tonight with the wonderful Greg, he's so sweeet! He plans out our dates according to the things that I like and he comes to pick me up and comes in to say hi to my family....Tonight we will be going to dinner at...
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yeah if it were up to me, i'd have it pumped into my veins with a tube hehehehe!
You never called me again last night so I am guessing Greg blew your socks off with the date?? smile
kiss kiss kiss
So the blind-date I went on last night was alright....He was really nice and not bad looking, but kinda boring, I'm not at all boring, anyone who knows me will confirm....I don't know if I'll see him again, but we can atleast be friends I guess....We went to my favorite restaurant here in Manteca called Yukimi, awesome Japanese food, they cook it right in front...
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Japanese MMMMMMMMMMMM yumi
So, I'm feeling like shit today....I haven't gotten out of my pajamas yet and it's almost 2pm, I suck hehehe.....I need to take a nap and later get ready for my blind date, I'm more nervous than excited....blahhhhhh! I'm excited to be back in touch with my dear friend Scott and I have a new edition to my friend list as well, Cecilia a SG...
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So I re-activated my SG account....I needed a private place away from myspace to get all of my feelings out.....Things have been crazy lately...My Grandma is dying quickly from advanced cancer and I'm not ready for her to leave me yet....I'm working like a dog and getting really burnt out....I have no man in my life, although I'm supposed to meet someone tomorrow night, so...
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Nice to know how you are doing, I have missed you as well..... smile