I really suck at keeping up with regular blogs....these past few weeks have been really busy with work and other stuff...I'm not feeling good today and this summer heat is going to kill us all here in northern cali, its supposed to be over 100 for the next week, blah!!!! I've been having trouble sleeping for the past few months and it's finally really starting...
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Its been really bad here too, the heat has been really getting to me....I dont sleep well in the heat either. I hope you get some sleep soon sweetie! kiss
i've been so busy lately, not sure when i'll have time to catch up. smile

hope you're doing well...
I'm really tired today......I have to be at work in a couple hours, blah..,.,, I'm looking foward to tomorrow, I love having sundays off, my day for rest, dinner with my parents, and coffee time with my best friend and soon to be roommate! I can't wait to move, the new townhouse is sooo pretty and clean and I'm moving in with the most awesome...
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Join my group! SG Central Valley
Hello smile
So, the few blogs that I've posted haven't been very heartfelt...They have mostly been about stupid things or how horny I am hehe....I actually feel like writing something worthwhile for once.....I hope all of my SG friends are doing well, I've been sick this past week with a nasty cold that has been going around my work, but I will be ok....Work is busy as...
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so I was told to blog more so here I am blogging hehe....I really want to go get some starbucks, I think I might go tonight....these past couple weeks between work and school have been really busy.....I'm really sad to hear about the shooting yesterday at that college in virginia, it's awful....I'm laying here in bed thinking about sex, coffee and the craving i'm having...
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I agree you should write more!.... kiss
Hope everyone is having a nice day.....It's pretty here in northern California, nice and sunny.....it will be time to use the pool soon yay! This blog is going to be completely random so bear with me....... So I haven't had sex since the end of 2005, It's been by choice, I've just been tired of meeting jerks and getting hurt and my last relationship damn...
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I know what you mean, im horny all the time too..and yeah its gorgeous out, we are heading to sonora tomarrow for a nice day trip.
blog more, horny hot girl
so I hope everyone is having a good weekend.....I put up some new pics, the folder is called some nice, some naughty....I finally got up the nerve to put some nudes up hehe....hope everyone likes them (blush) I want to go see 300 it looks good, I might do that tonight.....anywho, take care and hope everyone is doing well

♥ Mandy
DAMN GIRL!!!.....those are some hot 'n sexy pis of you!! biggrin

I am really working on the healthy eating, and the smaller portions...its tough, but I have to do it for my health. I love my pasta but all i have to do is cut down on my portions. kiss
gorgeous pics!!!! love
God I'm tired......I'm so glad I don't have to work tonight....I'm gonna go visit my parents tonight....Mom and I are on better terms these days, it's nice....They just got a new puppy named Blondie, she's a yellow lab and adorable as hell, she's the new love of my life....Anywho, hope everyone had a rockin' day, and hope you all have a good and safe night...
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I love the new profile pic, and your new pup is really cute!
oh my gooooooooooooood blondieeeeeeeee
yeah.. starbux makes everything .... all riiiight!! Chai tea... mmm
Gawd! I haven't blogged since November when my Grandma died.....I'm not good at keeping up with blogs, but I will try to do it more often....Not much has changed around here, I'm working all the time, I don't have a man, I miss having sex and I can't seem to find someone who wants the sex like I do, but wants all the other stuff...
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Sorry your vday wasn't any fun
Hi everyone....

So after my Grandma died, I kinda dropped off the face of the planet, but I am back and I'm trying to get on with my life....I hope you all are doing well.....Since the last time I was on here, a lot has changed.... I broke up with my boyfriend, I've assumed more responsibility at work and have been promoted, I moved out...
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look .. being free.. is a state of mind.. and you chose it over the status quo... no matter what religions say.. family will never be replaced.. and i think you did a courageous thing.. so I for one say "Fucke'm .. It's My LIFE, and I know what makes me happy to move forward and look for my own truth..or life ".... and Life will improve... just take it one day at a time.. take the time to mjoy the lil things.. and friends.. boyfriends wil all come to ya.. in time. maube overnite.. and you look like a hot lil item anyways.. so i see no problem for you whatso ever in getting laid or gettin in a meaningful relationship .. .. it's all up to you ... I'm Bhuddist (or so i claim to be ..LOL).. even thoough we were die hard catholics.. Bhuddism works extremely well for me ... and my parents learned to accept my choices .. in time .. , then sex will come, then one day a guy will strike you with an odd curiousity, and BAM!!!!.. You're in Love again ..so just do what ya gotta do.. seek happiness... there is no right way to happiness.. only you know what works for ya . i hope that helped a lil ... love love kiss blush smile
hey .. nice smile and eyes.. wow . especiallly in that blk dress ..... "tres sexy chic " biggrin