Violated by a raccoon: a camping adventure.
Everyone! Remember to store your food away in your car when camping (especially at night or when away from the campsite).
But! Do not forget to close the sunroof of said car. The raccoon can and will terrorize the inside of your car and steal any and all things resembling food: ie. brown sugar packets, powdered drink packets, chocolate bars, etc.
Fortunately our greedy enterprising friend did not wreck the inside of the car. He messed up all of our belongings and took a crap on the front seats, but everything was cleanable. But all those lost marshmallows... Surely the raccoon will be type 2 diabetic after that banquet.
Seriously though, he made off with a lot of food.
Everyone! Remember to store your food away in your car when camping (especially at night or when away from the campsite).
But! Do not forget to close the sunroof of said car. The raccoon can and will terrorize the inside of your car and steal any and all things resembling food: ie. brown sugar packets, powdered drink packets, chocolate bars, etc.
Fortunately our greedy enterprising friend did not wreck the inside of the car. He messed up all of our belongings and took a crap on the front seats, but everything was cleanable. But all those lost marshmallows... Surely the raccoon will be type 2 diabetic after that banquet.
Seriously though, he made off with a lot of food.