well I finaly got the stupid cursor to go where I needed it to go. wow I still can not type worth crap. amazing. I am dead today. I do not feel like undertaking all the stuff I have on my list to do. So......
wanted to go work out, but the temp here is like -10 degrees so my lovely car is not starting at all. bastard!!!!
I think the starter is shot, which means it needs to be replaced. And fuck if I am going to go under a snow encrusted car to take that shit apart and replace it. I guess I will have to revive the beast or take the bus. fuck fuck fuck!!
Well I was able to get the car to start, but the starter is still acting stupid and will more than likely need to be replaced. My brother went to the emergency room tonight to get his catheter reinserted, if he had not gone then his bladder migt have exploded from al lthe fluid building up inside of him. I guess it is going to be a long road back to good health for him.
I need to make a list of goals both short term and long term, including how I am going to finish my degree and get into a house of my own. I just need the right motivation I guess. I think I will go workout tommorow for as long as my body can stand it. I might need to start at like three in the morning, in order to fit in all the stuff that I need to accomplish . Feeling very subdued this evening. Need to go dance my ass completely off and then take a long luxurious bath and then a good nap. I think I fell in something on friday. I ache and it is all internal. I will have to check it out in the morning. It should all just be automatic at this point but I still have to look at the keys on the keyboard. I just hope that in time I will learn to not look and get faster at this so it is not so hard to write code.
in the ashes of my life
spasmodic memories of my wife
flashing in and out of my conscious mind.
Loved her and left her to the drummer of old,
now she and I will be only memories,
for better or worse, she is the most tender love I have ever known.
New life, new perspective.
hope for a child, a girl, if I can manage it.
power in hope and love.
heart is heavy, missing CW strawberries. Harummmph!! and the tossing of the undescribable colored tresses.
wanted to go work out, but the temp here is like -10 degrees so my lovely car is not starting at all. bastard!!!!
I think the starter is shot, which means it needs to be replaced. And fuck if I am going to go under a snow encrusted car to take that shit apart and replace it. I guess I will have to revive the beast or take the bus. fuck fuck fuck!!
Well I was able to get the car to start, but the starter is still acting stupid and will more than likely need to be replaced. My brother went to the emergency room tonight to get his catheter reinserted, if he had not gone then his bladder migt have exploded from al lthe fluid building up inside of him. I guess it is going to be a long road back to good health for him.
I need to make a list of goals both short term and long term, including how I am going to finish my degree and get into a house of my own. I just need the right motivation I guess. I think I will go workout tommorow for as long as my body can stand it. I might need to start at like three in the morning, in order to fit in all the stuff that I need to accomplish . Feeling very subdued this evening. Need to go dance my ass completely off and then take a long luxurious bath and then a good nap. I think I fell in something on friday. I ache and it is all internal. I will have to check it out in the morning. It should all just be automatic at this point but I still have to look at the keys on the keyboard. I just hope that in time I will learn to not look and get faster at this so it is not so hard to write code.
in the ashes of my life
spasmodic memories of my wife
flashing in and out of my conscious mind.
Loved her and left her to the drummer of old,
now she and I will be only memories,
for better or worse, she is the most tender love I have ever known.
New life, new perspective.
hope for a child, a girl, if I can manage it.
power in hope and love.
heart is heavy, missing CW strawberries. Harummmph!! and the tossing of the undescribable colored tresses.