Love them, then leave.
Forced out by indecision, lapses in assertive grace.
I ache and can not be consoled.
My desire is only to find exquisite passion.
The ambrosia of your affection,
is my captor,
and that which emancipates me.
To settle in a little family,
be wed by love,
likened to peaceful bliss ..
On an ocean shore,
sinking deeper into compassion, wholeness, lightness of being..
and all that signifies completeness.
I am not as you think me to be.
My desire runs deeper and farther than that.
I can not be explained.
I can not be put in a box.
You look.
But, can not touch even the border lands of my soul.
Perspective, it is everything..It is ignorance.
Bring me now my binding fate,
Let me rest my head a little,
Gathering strength to be a retainer.
I will guard and strike and bow down.
I lay prostrate, heaps of sour face, and ashes of embarrassment,
Littering the path that surrounds me.
Like me?
No matter, no concern, never mind.
I am what I will always be, eternity has forged me so.
If you grace my halls, splendid and alive,
Serve you, so I shall,
And never more be lonely.
Forced out by indecision, lapses in assertive grace.
I ache and can not be consoled.
My desire is only to find exquisite passion.
The ambrosia of your affection,
is my captor,
and that which emancipates me.
To settle in a little family,
be wed by love,
likened to peaceful bliss ..
On an ocean shore,
sinking deeper into compassion, wholeness, lightness of being..
and all that signifies completeness.
I am not as you think me to be.
My desire runs deeper and farther than that.
I can not be explained.
I can not be put in a box.
You look.
But, can not touch even the border lands of my soul.
Perspective, it is everything..It is ignorance.
Bring me now my binding fate,
Let me rest my head a little,
Gathering strength to be a retainer.
I will guard and strike and bow down.
I lay prostrate, heaps of sour face, and ashes of embarrassment,
Littering the path that surrounds me.
Like me?
No matter, no concern, never mind.
I am what I will always be, eternity has forged me so.
If you grace my halls, splendid and alive,
Serve you, so I shall,
And never more be lonely.