From Monday April 4th

will update more later, had a very very confusing evening. Evelyn and I almost crossed over from friends to lovers last night. Still smell her perfume on my clothes, as I have not been home yet. In the place, smelling bakery and listening to music that is NOT helping. Mostly old jazz love ballads. Killing me, just killing me. More later....
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There is no more lonely feeling than being right next to someone, feeling the heat from their body rising up, right next to you, and yet feeling a million fucking miles away from them. It is beyond agony, it is beyond endurance. I do not want to be with someone, just to be with Someone. I know that feeling. I know it well. I have...
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The stones of sun shining out of the night,
Like fire igniting my souls flames.
Pass over me, oh bringer of harm and devastation,
I am not in your grip any longer.
I can break free to sing the song of the stones.
I alone will determine my path.
You have no hold on me.
I am and will always be,
To sing,...
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Never on a sunday.Poetry in motion.
all poetry is the sublimest form of seduction.
Twisting, turning, mind and body are yearning,
yearning for the one who unites the flame of our souls.
like water on a parched tongue,
your presence fills me and makes me feel,

SAE kiss
wow what a day, I have awoken to yet more snow and it is now march, what the hell is up with that ? Will update more later, need to drain the dogs bladder.

little fires inside my brain.
lilting to and fro.
ignite me with a passionate,
to endure and overcome.
Like acid on flesh...
Eating away at my ambition.
Taking action, to survive, mount up with wings as of
an eagle...
and fly... to roost in Tyler Texas.
Sit and ponder.
Leave me and let me be.
Home made comfort,
and a green shed.
Working out...
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laughter, jewels, heat,
naughtiness, flowers, wine,....
All twisted into the sunlight of yearning.

smile wink
aww, that would be awesome of you!

and how do you know i look beautiful today? i didn't even put makeup on! tongue

Like I said I will check it out and see what can be sent your way.

And you are just so awesome and naturally beautiful, that I am sure you look even more splendiferous even with out make-up. I pray that you are able to get some RR after your classes end. I know what it is like. And I am sure you need some sunshine and fun right about now.

Oh, and I am a seer, so I can see you in the spirit lands..
That is how I know how beautiful you are today. wink
roses are pretty
life is full
you are smitten
and I ain't..... shocked
wow. what an AWESOME comment to have left on my set. thank you so much. i should just call you mr. awesome from now on. blush

I received it today. it is pretty cool. cross is too small though I think, so maybe next time i will request that she use a bigger one. but, over all it is pretty good, Brother is still kinda sick, he is getting better though, complaining more instead of just whining. Sorry certain folks are having so much trouble with their grad schoool situations. Blah...
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1. How many languages do you speak? I speak fluent English, rusty Portuguese, and fragmented sentences in at least 3 different languages lol tongue

2. Are you afraid of clowns?- Clowns are pretty creepy, but no, I'm not afraid of them wink

3. What woud be your dream computer set up?- To have a computer chip implanted in my head with some cool cyber goggles I could view the screen on biggrin
Cat Haiku

by Bacall

You never feed me.
Perhaps Ill sleep on your face.
That will sure show you.

You *must* scratch me there!
Yes, above my tail!
Behold, elevator butt.

The rule for today:
Touch my tail, I shred your hand.
New rule tomorrow.

Grace personified.
I leap into the window.
I meant to do that.

Blur of motion, then
Silence, me, a paper...
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(A) First, recommend to me:
1. a movie:
2. a book:
3. a musical artist, song, or album:

(B) I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less. Ask me anything you want.

(C) Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends to ask you anything.
well I finaly got the stupid cursor to go where I needed it to go. wow I still can not type worth crap. amazing. I am dead today. I do not feel like undertaking all the stuff I have on my list to do. So......

wanted to go work out, but the temp here is like -10 degrees so my lovely car is not starting...
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