Lake monster!
I had a great weekend.
Saturday, Natalie, Andrew, Tiffany and I went to an outdoor concert, but left earlier because we had a tick scare. So we went to Nat's house, played the 'Worst Case Scenario' board game, pigged out on junk food and took silly pictures of ourselves as midgets and hillbillies with candy corn teeth.
Sunday we all went to Gunpowder Falls State Park in Dundalk - we had a random picnic of everything leftover in our pantries and then played in the lake. I forgot my swimsuit, so I just went in fully dressed.
Today we all brought food and had a Midwestern-style office potluck. Yum.
I spend way too much time with these people.

People would say, "He was just walking along the shore when the Lake monster! appeared. Then instead of running away from the Lake monster!, this fool runs towards it. Once he hit the water it was over, his ass was gone. It was like a cross between Jaws and Kill Bill, just teeth and blood everywhere!"